Posted in   Productivity   on  November 19, 2019 by  Himanshu

Do you love to attend so many self-improvements seminars and workshops?

Congratulations! You are amazing.

But imagine, you are spending thousands of dollars in learning "to be better," you are feeling energetic, but at the end of the day, you do not see any significant result in your life.

Information is the new food. We are consuming information from all around the world. But if you can not use this information to really uplift your life and career, it's pure BS.

This post contains powerful methods for action takers that might make you uncomfortable. But if you are hungry to use the knowledge you have to transform your life forever, you will fall in love with this post for sure.

The Law of Action

Most people who keep consuming information without any substantial action are not aware of the "law of action". Once you understand what gets you into action, it becomes easier for your mind to support you in this journey.

To understand the law of action, You need to understand three levels of growth.


This is a part of my "Inner circle training". Registrations are closed for it as I can only work with a small group of people, but you can subscribe to my waiting list if you can't wait to push yourself to make money online.

From being an information eater to take action upon the information needs a warrior spirit.

Taking action even when you don't want to, taking action when your environment is not supporting, taking consistent action again and again, IS NOT EASY.

It's not.

But being willing to do it can make a difference. 

You really need to surround yourself with the action takers. And sometimes, you also need to run away from your regular self-improvement BS.

Trust me, I don't hate motivation. It's important. 

But it's useless without taking action.


In the first phase of growth, people don't even like to learn.

They judge others who are willing to learn. They laugh at you and criticize you. But they too are frustrated, poor and broke.

It's not a problem to see those people. Problem is to live with them for long. You need to find your escape. This is not to run from the problems. It's to avoid the problems.

The second phase starts when you start learning things. It is important as you can save years of handwork and quickly climb the ladders. 

One of the most amazing man on the earth and India's greatest philosophers, Chanakya once said:

Learn from the mistakes of others. So, congratulations for being on this stage. 

advice to put yourself into action

But mind doesn't always work for good.

The next phase is critical, because it needs you to narrow your environment and start implementation.

The worst mistake people do immediately after consuming the information, is they start preaching them to others.

This is how your mind creates a false image of implementation in your mind and you feel like you "know things".

One of the best things to test whether you know something or you just living in a mirage is to understand this:

If I have learned it, I am living it, and I am making money from it, Only then, I know it.

- Himanshu Bisht -

Some will argue, why "money".

But I must say, money is the yardstick to measure your efforts. If you are learning something, implementing it, sharing it with others, you will start making money.

It's kind of by product which comes along (stated you are taking right action).

Again! Action.

How to stop Procrastination! Almost Immediately

If you are surrounded by at least one person, who can push you to take action, the only thing you now need to understand is the Parkinson's Law.

parkinson law of work

Parkinson's Law of Work

Work expends depending on the time you give it to complete.

So, the only reason you are procrastinating is because you are not making it a priority.

If you love wasting your money on attending self-help seminars without putting yourself into action, you are giving your work more and more time to complete.

And as the law states, your work may get extended to infinity if you do not have a deadline.

Here we can talk about the first step.

Set a Deadline

A simple goal card or writing your goal with a deadline can do wonders. Most of the popular athletes do it. It's a transforming practice.

Taking Action is NOT That Hard

A few months ago, I took a challenge to put one video on YouTube every day for next 90 days. It was a crazy decision but I knew I had to start from somewhere. 

I was full of doubts, unsure of if someone will actually watch it.

But to my surprise, people started calling me, messaging me. They told me how my content is being a lot helpful for them.

And guess what. I made more money.

In fact, money was the last thing I thought while doing it. 

All I wanted was to really start something.

And I saw the slow transformation inside me.

So, it's not that hard. Going from an information junkie to being really productive is not a big deal.

All you need to do is to turn the switch and say:

Let's F*ckin do it. No matter what

I knew it is never easy for someone from being a consumer to a knowledge giver without a right environment. So I created a community of passionate entrepreneurs where I train people to really get into action. (With all the tools you need for it)

Interested to join?

Subscribe to my waiting list and get notified.

Important: It's an exclusive program so please register if you are willing to make money online by sharing your knowledge with the world.

About Himanshu

Himanshu is a recovering shiny object seeker and computer science engineer turned into an internet entrepreneur.

He bootstrapped from 0-$200k and has helped tens of companies grow from scratch with the help of building online communities.

He helps coaches and entrepreneurs grow their business through content and communities.

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